News 31 March 2016
In February 2016, the General Assembly of PCNE accepted to take on the maintenance of the Observatory, while the former Europharm president suggested to make the observatory 'all PCNE'. The members decided to change the Observatory to a Wiki, that would especially reflect knowledge around pharmaceutical care in Europe and the rest of the world. Several members have now been invited to take responsibility for different pages of the Wiki. The old Europharm pages are saved in a special folder on the Wiki, some of the old pages will be re-used.
News 11 January 2016
Europharm Forum has ceased to exist, and therefore we have renamed this observatory: 'PCNE-EPF Onservatory). A number of new wiki pages have been added with some literature to support the text, especially on pharmaceutical care related issues such as adherence or medication review. We look forward to the discussions and completion of the pages.
News 5 December 2015
Much work has been done on renewing content and structure. A wiki page on remuneration for pharmacy services has been added and the structure is adapted to the three main type of documents: wiki -knowledge-menus. Menu's and knowledge documents can only be edited by the administrator(s).
News 14 November 2015
Europharm Forum ceases to exist on the 31st of December 2015, and the observatory is now the responsibility of the Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe. Maintenance has been slack for the last couple of years, so updating will take some time. See also the Front page.
A facility in the Observatory is a Research area which has been set up for the purpose of including all kinds of research, eg both published and non-published research, both large and small studies. This feature includes research in other languages than English, as long as we have been provided with keywords in English to enable a search on this research. Another element in this area is the inclusion of summaries, provided in English, of reports contained in the Danish Community Pharmacy Evidence Database which holds evidence within several areas of pharmacy practice.
Access to the Observatory is open for registered users, who should request a password in order to sign in and participate actively to the Observatory. With a password, users will be able to take part in the posted discussions and to add their comments. It is also possible to start a discussion or contribute with relevant documents and information. Once provided with a password, users will also receive alerts whenever something changes in the Observatory.
News 17 December 2009
The number of registered users to the Observatory is growing day by day. On of the advantages by becoming a registered user is that you automatically get an email each time something changes at the Observatory e.g. in the discussion, in the event list or document lists.
The Pharmacy Practice Event list at the Observatory will be update regularly. If you know of any pharmacy practice events not mentioned in the list, please send information to the PCNE Secretariat and we will publish your information.
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