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Saved by Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe
on November 14, 2015 at 11:19:47 am


EuroPharm Forum-PCNE Observatory

 – knowledge and search facility enabling pharmacy practice development

The purpose of the EuroPharm-PCNE Forum Observatory is to collect and display pharmaceutical care related information in order to further develop pharmacy practice, especially in Europe. 


The Observatory can be used in many ways. 

A hint is to use the SEARCH facility in the upper right corner. This searches all contents in the entire Observatory and will quickly guide you to the right pages. You may also enter via the subgroups below.





Create your own discussions on topics of interest,

and invite others to contribute


Retrieve or provide links to documents of

importance to pharmacy practice








Retrieve research within pharmacy practice, 

and contribute with your own research


Find information on conferences, seminars,

meetings, etc., and list your own



The EuroPharm Forum-PCNE Observatory is organised as a wiki. Anyone with an interest in the development of pharmacy practice may use the site and contribute to it. In order to contribute and add comments, you must be a registered user.
Activate RSS feeds to receive automatic alerts of changes to the Observatory.


Important notice

After the WHO Collaboration Centre for Drug Policy and Pharmacy Practice Development stopped supporting Europharm Forum, the member-organisations (national pharmacist associations) also gradually withdrew, and Europharm Forum ceased to exist in September 2015.The ownership of the Observatory was transferred to the Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe on 1st November 2015. 


Updating and maintenance of the forum now falls under the responsibility of the Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe (see also

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