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EuroPharm Forum Observatory
– knowledge and search facility for pharmacy practice
The purpose of the EuroPharm Forum Observatory is to collect and display information in order to develop pharmacy practice. Hopefully, knowlegde of the EuroPharm Forum Observatory and its contents will spread worldwide, and people with an interest in pharmacy practice will use and contribute to the information on the Observatory.
The Observatory can be used in many ways. A hint is to use the SEARCH facility in the upper right corner. This searches all contents in the entire Observatory and will quickly guide you to the right pages. Another way is to enter via the elements below. Each element has it's own purpose and structure.
Create your own discussions on topics of interest, and invite others to contribute.
Find and provide links to documents of importance to pharmacy practice.
Follow and contribute to discussions on professional practice domains.
See the evidence for pharmacy practice, and contribute with your own evidense.
Find conferences, seminars, meetings, etc., and list your own.
The EuroPharm Forum Observatory is organised as a wiki. Anyone with an interest in the development of pharmacy practice may use and contribute to the site. In order to contribute and add comments, you must be a registered user. Activate RSS feeds to receive automatic alerts of changes to the Observatory.
The Observatory is owned and maintained by the EuroPharm Forum in collaboration with the WHO Collaboration Centre for Drug Policy and Pharmacy Practice Development, Pharmakon, in Hillerød near Copenhagen, Denmark.
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