EuroPharm Forum Observatory
The purpose of the EuroPharm Forum Observatory is to collect and display information in order to develop pharmacy practice. Hopefully, knowlegde of the EuroPharm Forum Obsevatory and its contents will spread worldwide, and people with an interest in pharmacy practice will use and contribute to the information on the Observatory.
The EuroPharm Forum Observatory is organised as a wiki. Anyone with an interest in the development of pharmacy practice may use and contribute to the site. In order to contribute and add comments, you must be a registered user. Activate RSS feeds to receive automatic alerts of changes to the Observatory.
The EuroPharm Forum Observatory is divided into five elements. Each element has it's own purpose and structure:
If you want information on the topic you are searching for, you may create your own discussion and invite other users to contribute.
This element contains links to important documents grouped by owner and furnished with extensive keywords in order to easily find a given document and related documents via the search facility.
The Professional Programme of the EuroPharm Forum reflects WHO priorities and seeks to involve pharmacists in the WHO efforts to improve patient care and chronic disease management and support health promotion and well-being through lifestyle counselling services. Each professional programme area comprises one or more Working Groups.
WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Policy and Pharmacy Practice, Pharmakon, has prepared evidence-based reports with conclusions within several areas of pharmacy practice.These reports are frequently updated with new references and the conclusions reviewed.
Conferences, seminars, meetings, etc. are listed here. If you are planning an event, check to see if your targeted participants may be engaged in other events, or contribute to the overview by listing your own events.
The Observatory is owned and maintained by the EuroPharm Forum in collaboration with the WHO Collaboration Centre for Drug Policy and Pharmacy Practice, Pharmakon.
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